Acting President Andrew Bain opened the meeting and announced that the meeting format would be deferred until after Kelwyn White, the local RFS community liason officer had spoken and answered questions.
In welcoming and introducing Kelwyn, Andrew identified some key concerns from the feedback sought by BMPCA to the bushfire emergency.
These were infrastructure failure, and little or no information, hazard reduction, education and evacuation centres.
The main points addressed by Kelwyn :
The distinction between RFS who fight fires and emergency management covering all other services such as SES and Council, led by Police.
Identifying Special Fire protection facilities such as schools, nursing homes and tourist facilities for specific fire fighting effort and allocation of assets.
The response to the leave early message promoted by the RFS after findings from the Royal Commission into the Victorian bushfires in 2009 and the importance of having a “plan” A key message in community education.
Explanation of hazard reduction guidelines and the 10/50rule applying to one’s own property, also ways of dealing with neighbours who do not manage their property for bushfire risk, using the bushfire hazard complaint procedure.
Lack of information, no power,internet, mobile phone and local ABC the emergency broadcaster was off transmission. Need to let the community know of other ABC transmission bands,.
A community newsletter was posted on the fire shed daily during the emergency. BMPCA need to take responsibility for a community response in the future to have information displayed in a central location ie the community notice board
Residents should be familiar with the Community Protection Plan for Broulee, Mossy Point and the Estuary estate, when preparing their property and making a plan. The protection plan needs to be clearly displayed at a central location in the community, it is available on the RFS website
Kelwyn encouraged the community to become more interactive and supportive of the local brigade and view it as a community hub.
Meeting opened at 8.30pm
Attendance 32 as per attendance sheet.
Apologies – S. O’Keefe, V .Fisher, N. Shatifan, P.T .Louttit, E. Robinson, A. Mayne.
Confirmation of Minutes of 14 November 2019. Moved L. Bain, 2nd B. Paris.
Treasurers Report ; General account : $6,911.00,
Pathway account : $6, 000.86
Total : $13,002.29
Donation $400.00 received from Tomakin IGA Community Chest.
Report moved by L Boyton, 2nd R Hayward.
General Business
- Bay to Breakers swim proceeding on 8th March. Many BMPCA volunteers needed, contact Lynn Bain.
- Sandcastle event cancelled on NYE to be on Canberra long weekend 8th March after the ocean swim, organised by Shane Wehner, Total Eco Adventures if new license is issued.
- Art on the Path – volunteers needed for BBQ on Sunday 31st May.
- Paver fundraiser to be promoted at the swim and Banksia Village sent information and forms.
- BE 2020 [Better Eurobodalla] campaign to encourage non resident ratepayers to register to vote in Council elections in September. Registration open in July 2020.
Meeting closed 8.50pm.
Next Meeting : Thursday 21st May 2020.