The meeting opened at 7.10pm following the annual BBQ.
Attendance and apologies are recorded in the attendance book.
South Broulee seating / platform and completion of landscaping at North Broulee toilet block
Council had asked for some advice on priority between these two proposals. The meeting felt both proposals were important. Without any data on design or cost or timing the meeting expressed a 16:11 preference for the South Broulee proposal. It was felt it would be preferable if with more external funding and increased volunteer effort suitable designs could be developed that would allow both projects to proceed.
Candlagan Bridge
The bridge needs either expensive repair or replacement. A Council decision between these two options has not been made.
Some residents would prefer that the bridge be replaced with a pedestrian bridge. Without any data on the implications for traffic flow, public transport, fire access, road accident risks or community impact the meeting expressed a 17:10 preference for a footbridge option.
Heath Street Subdivision
The meeting noted the proposal for a 15 lot subdivision in Heath Street
Removal of pine trees at the entrance of Captain Oldrey Park
The meeting noted that these trees were to be removed for fire management reasons
Broulee Beaches Masterplan
The meeting noted that the plan is nearing completion. The objective is to have a more flexible plan with one of the changes from the draft being the deletion of the proposal for a new Boardriders building close to Lyttle Street with reservation for such a building to be left open at a site closer to the Surf Club. No change to the present arrangements and use of the old fire brigade building will occur unless a new facility is provided.
Broulee Mossy Point Bushfire Plan
Kelwyn White who gave a presentation at the AGMhas been delayed by the NSW bushfires but still hopes the plan will be completed by the end of the year.
Dates for Art on the Path 2014
It was noted that Council is responsible for managing this event.
Cycle Path
The extension of the path to McNee Street is on Council works plan to be completed this financial year. The next priority will be the path into Mossy Point up from Candlagan Bridge.
St Peters Caitlin Crescent entrance
Michael Sheely spoke to the attached paper on the St Peters application to extend hours for general vehicle access.

bmpca_minutes_caitlin_street_entrance_nov_2013.pdf |