David McCann, Trish Eccles, Barbara Evans, Jennifer Brewster, Vince Fisher,
Bruce Schaefer, John and Debra Waser, Richard and Barbara Roberts, Shane O’Keefe, Simon Lowth, Mendse Roelink, Julie Klugman, Bill Nagle, Luke Mitchell, Mike and Moira Castle, June Carter, Peter Dunn, Fran and Derek Anderson, Edie Robertson, Stewart and Liz Needham, Wendy Dunn, Lindsay Boyton, Andrew and Lynn Bain, Ross Hayward
Katherine White, Richard Fisher, Mavis Hayes, Beverley Paris, Heather Harris, Catriona Kennedy, Dan Lloyd Jones
Briefings from ESC
Candlagan Bridge Update and Engineering Matters `Russell Burke (ESC)
- Contractor finishes mid- March. Subsequent works include upgrade of car park at Mossy Point and road links, playground upgrade including fixing seepage, fixing fence around SPS, reinstatement of footpaths, road barriers and reshaping drainage on southern side of bridge.
- Expect to open road at end of April.
- Need to consult about playground requirements
- Need to reverse memorial rock near playground so that inscription is easily seen
- Bridge is on budget
- Question of a grand opening
- Ramp on south east side has not been considered, could be difficult to get grades right for disabled access.
- Consider traffic calming en route to bridge and also Harbour Drive
- Need for shade at playground at Captain Oldrey Park
- Issue of water over Coronation Drive – ESC is considering amelioration works
- General amenity of whole North Broulee area needs to be looked at because of increased and changing use. Toilet block, viewing platform and access, drainage, landscaping.
- Many thanks to Russell for information and responses.
Proposed Broulee Development Mark Hutchinson, Jeff Morgan (ESC)
- Zoned for residential development since 1980s.
- EEC Coastal Bangalay Sand Forest declared in 2005
- Subject to Biobanking decision where funds from development will be used to protect and manage other areas of Bangalay Sand Forest.
- Gateway Determination by DOP agreed with E2 zoning, requested Master Plan for area which includes lowering of lot size, reduction by third of proposed medium density, addressing stormwater disposal issues, pedestrian and cycleway access, traffic and open space.
- Work in progress by ESC. Medium density will be within 800m of commercial area. Dual purpose open space will also be used for stormwater retention. All dwellings will be within 400m of open space.
- Next step is report to Council for approval to submit proposal for a Gateway Determination. It will then go on public exhibition.
- Ownership and management of E2 zone remain with existing owner. Will there be a management plan?
- Improved assumptions about population numbers which are expected to decrease.
- Traffic issues will be addressed in Master Plan. Rate of development is expected to be slow, with 10 – 15 new dwellings/year
- Staging of construction access will be part of traffic management plan. Also impact of new development on existing Broulee residential area will be part of master plan.
- There are standard conditions of consent for construction traffic through the site and town.
- Concern about existing congestion in Heath St. Consultations on master plan will cover timing and construction impacts. Doubtful that any extra access to George Bass Drive be contemplated because of E2 zoning.
- Concern about management of wildlife within E2 zone and when development area is cleared for construction. Suggestion that large, remnant hollow bearing tree sections be relocated so that habitat for resident fauna has minimal disturbance. Raise issues in context of public comments on master plan.
- Understand that there will be staged process of clearing land.
- Overflow stormwater will still drain to South Broulee where water quality is already an issue.
- ESC to present Master Plan to BMPCA after Gateway Determination. Expect public exhibition to be about 2 – 3 months away.
- Many thanks to Mark and Jeff for presentation and BMPCA, we look forward to developing a high quality plan together.
- After the minutes were finalised Jeff has provided an official response to the meeting which you can read in the attached PDF.
Treasurer’s Report
- $5209.62 in general account. 2016 membership invoices will be emailed/posted next month
- $27,909.27 in shared pathway account. Recent fundraisers include: $440 from sandcastle competition, $277 from Art on the Path and $1100 from IGA Community Chest.
- Extension of Bengello Track shared pathway is still high priority as identified by BMPCA vote. Trying to get answer from ESC about need for archaeological study given that track follows airport fence which has been modified a number of times since WW2.
Other Events
- Broulee Beach Fun Run 26 February at South Broulee. 4 pm for entry 2 km, 3.5 km and 5 km. Support for both Broulee and Moruya public schools
- Broulee to Breakers Ocean Swim March 13. Need volunteers at 5 pm Saturday and 8 am Sunday for registration. Major fund raiser for BMPCA.
- BMP Dunecare Ecology Walk 9 am 21 February. All welcome.
- Sandcastle Competition – new volunteers are required. Approval submitted for New Years Eve 2016. No new volunteers – no event!
Traffic matters
- Provision of pathway from Surfside St to Pacific St along Annetts Parade, Mossy Point. Possibility of changing proposal for pathway via Muffin Shop.
- Concern about increased traffic along Elizabeth Drive
- Possibility of upgrade of Bengello track on northern side of bridge to location of removed gate.
Street Trees for Broulee
- Add to general amenity of Broulee village. ESC advice on this issue to be placed on BMPCA website. See attached PDF for advice on planting.
Dogs on Beaches Proposal
- Draft proposal requested at November 2015 meeting and circulated with February Notice of Meeting
- Dogs are currently allowed on most of North Broulee beach off leash and at all times
- There is poor signposting of the areas where dogs allowed which confuses visitors particularly at Bayside St entry
- Dogs are supposed to be under control but there is no definition of what this means
- No change to no dogs rule on Broulee Island, Candlagan Creek, or South Broulee is proposed
- The proposal sought to clarify when and where dogs were allowed, taking into account times when the beach is crowded.
- Accept that north to toilet block was wrong and that Train Street access with clearer on-beach signage is preferable.
- Suggest that dogs be allowed within time frames suggested (5pm to 9 am) and include Shark Bay as many dog walkers like to do a circuit from Train Street or Bayside Street to South Broulee.
- Suggestions from the meeting and via email were discussed. These included no dog beaches (which already exist). Specific times do not take into account tides. Many elderly dog owners like to walk at low tide. Hand out information to people about prohibited areas and times. Education is simple – letter to all households about rules.
- Possibility raised of sign saying dogs allowed on leash between Candlagan Creek and Mossy Point Headland. Concern that traverse playground.
- Council has management plan for dogs on beaches, however it has advised that it would take new approaches into account.
- General agreement (show of hands) that proposal on the table has merit. Accept that compromise is necessary and that a further proposal will be put forward at next meeting.
Next Meeting Thursday 26th May 2016

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