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Welcome to the Broulee Mossy Point Community Association
The objects of the Association
are to:
- represent
the collective interests of the local community and provide information on the
following activities and on other issues affecting the area that may arise;
- care for the natural environment of the Broulee Mossy
Point area and to undertake and support activities that care for and preserve
our trees and other flora, our fauna, our dunes, beaches and other water ways;
- advocate
development of the area that will maintain our village atmosphere and the
improvement and maintenance of walking and cycling tracks, public transport,
safe roadways and parking;
- work with the Eurobodalla Shire Council to
ensure a high standard of service delivery by the Shire, and by State and
Federal governments;
- help promote communication
between the community, governments, and local schools and businesses to the
benefit of all; and
- develop cooperative working relationships with other community associations so that we may speak with one voice on matters of mutual interest.