AGM Minutes
Attendance: As per Attendance Sheet.
The President opened the meeting at 7.05 pm, and welcomed those present to the meeting.
Visitor's Presentation:
With the agreement of those present, the President suspended normal business and invited a visitor, Ian Carmody, to address the meeting. Mr Carmody spoke about a project to open a community bank in Moruya. He mentioned that:
• The idea for a community bank followed the withdrawal of St George bank from Moruya.
• The project was for a company to be formed, with local shareholders.
• Bendigo Bank would grant a 'franchise' to the branch, but control of operations including dispersment of profits would rest with shareholders. 10% of profits would go to shareholders, and 80% to local community causes.
• Currently locals were being asked to pledge $750,000 to meet the first two years' operational costs, $60,000 has already been pledged.
• Since a similar venture began in Braidwood, $2,000,000 has been paid to the community, including providing accommodation for a GP, with a GP subsequently taking up residence there. Other successful set-ups are in Pambula, and Milton.
• There is a temporary shopfront for the project set up diagonally opposite Woolworths Moruya, near to the Planet Tx music store.
Mr Carmody took on notice a question about the 'trade-ability' of shares, and he is available to answer queries on 0406 379 529.
The President thanked Mr Carmody for his address, which was appreciated by those present.
Normal business resumed at 7.33 pm.
Election Of Office Bearers:
At the President's request, Derek Anderson then conducted the election of office bearers for 2016/17. The following were duly elected to the Executive Committee:
President: Ross Hayward Nominated: R. Fisher 2nd: V. Fisher
Vice President: Andrew Bain Nominated: R. Hayward 2nd: B. Roberts
Hon. Secretary: Lynn Bain Nominated: A. Mayne 2nd: V. Fisher
Hon. Treasurer: Lindsay Boynton Nominated: R. Roberts 2nd: P. Dunn
General Member: Dan Lloyd-Jones Nominated: D. Anderson 2nd: B. Roberts
General Member: Richard Fisher Nominated: P. Dunn 2nd: E. Robertson
General Member: Vince Fisher Nominated: R. Roberts 2nd: A. Mayne
The meeting thanked Derek Anderson for conducting the election.
President's Report:
The President advised that the Association and the Broulee Mossy Point precinct had had another successful year, and mentioned:
• The presentation to Eurobodalla Shire Council (ESC) of $25,000 towards the new gravel sealing of the cycleway between South Broulee and the North Head Campground. Particular mention was made of the efforts of Rodney Scholes who began campaigning for this track 15 or so years ago.
• The revision of the Broulee Development Plan, with the Association coordinating community input. The revised Plan is on the ESC website.
• The opening of the new road bridge over Candlagan Creek.
• That the bitumen surface of the approaches to the new bridge is temporary while the road base settles, it will receive a final finish after a few more months.
• The upgrade of the carpark and surrounds on the Mossy Point side of the bridge.
• The re-positioning of the creekbank plaque commemorating the loss of the Rover in 1841, it's now in a position where it is being noticed.
• That Art On The Path is happening again at Broulee on 2 October 2016. Apparently holding the event at Tomakin did not attract much of a response.
• That the sand modelling and sandcastle competition approval for this year is still held up while ESC conducts a review of its 'Recreation and Open Space Strategy'.
Annual Financial Report:
The Treasurer reported that the Association's finances are healthy, although there is to be follow-up action on optimising interest rates on the various bank accounts. He mentioned that the Association has 117 financial members, and there was a suggestion that there might be benefits from a letter-box drop advertising the Association, there is anecdotal evidence that many residents and landholders don't know of the Association's existence.
Motion: (Treasurer, 2nd D. Anderson). That the Treasurer's Report be accepted. Carried.
Public Officer:
The meeting agreed that Lindsay Boynton continue as the Association's Public Officer.
The President closed the Annual General Meeting at 8.10 pm.
General Meeting Minutes
Attendance: As per Attendance Sheet.
The President opened the meeting at 8.11 pm.
Previous Meeting's Minutes:
In the absence of the secretary the President read the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion: (D. Anderson, 2nd B. Roberts). That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted. Carried.
Matters Arising: It was noted that the next review of Eurobodalla Shire Council's (ESC's) Companion Animal Management Plan would not be until 2019. At that time the Association could resurrect its concerns about dogs on beaches and reserves, including the suitability of signs.
General Business:
Motion: (B. Roberts, 2nd D. Anderson). That the Association meets with ESC representatives at the Annetts Parade/George Bass Drive intersection to consider road safety concerns and recognise the potential for serious accidents there. In this respect, preference is to improve visibility and/or to reduce the speed limit to 80 kph . Carried.
The meeting agreed that:
• The current priority for footpaths is Annetts Parade from Surfside Avenue to Pacific Street, and that further continuation, to service the intersections with Hilmer Avenue, River Road, Connells Close, Waterfront Close and eventually to George Bass Drive should be an aim.
• The Council Draft Revised Pathways Strategy at
The following subjects were discussed, for raising during the ongoing liaison with ESC:
• The top step to the lookout at the Broulee (North) toilet block presents a trip hazard.
• A resident has requested another pathway, on Broulee Road from Clarke Street to Imlay Street.
• There is a need for attention to the swampy mess that serves as a vehicle turning area and footway between Connells Close and Annetts Parade.
• Captain Oldrey Path is grossly underused, before ESC took it over and introduced significant fees for activity there it was used by numerous small groups.
The meeting noted a suggestion that a footbridge be built across the Tomaga River from the Public Jetty. There was concern that such would impede watercraft, unless it was high or a drawbridge. The meeting agreed that the Association not support the proposal.
Matters listed for discussion at the next meeting include whether ESC should plant trees on nature strips in new areas, currently there is no plan after previous experience with newly planted trees being destroyed during building works.
Motion: (B. Schaefer, 2nd A. Mayne). That an invitation be sent for a councillor and an ESC staff member to attend each Association meeting. Carried.
Motion: (L. Boynton, 2nd D. Anderson). That the Association makes its annual donation of $400 to Broulee Public School. Carried.
Next Meeting: Thursday 1 December 2016.
For the information of members:
• The Social bicycle ride will start from the Broulee Surfers SLSC at 9.00 am on Sunday 18 September.
The President closed the meeting at 9.12 pm.