- The proposed R3 Medium Density Residential zone has been reduced from the original proposal and now covers an area of 7ha (a reduction of about half compared to the original proposal).
- Deletion of the proposal to reduce the minimum lot size to 450m² (it is now proposed to remain at 550m²).
- Provision of an additional open space area in the southern part of the development area.
- Reduction in the number of additional dwellings predicted from 520 to 425.
- Preparation of a master plan to address a range of issues including traffic and pedestrian links, stormwater drainage and sewer provision.
Council meetings offer a public forum which is an opportunity for members of the community to talk to Council on issues on the agenda. If you would like to address Council during public forum you will need to register by 12pm on the day prior to the meeting. To register for public forum, please contact Carol Hodges on 4474 1358 or email [email protected]
Speakers in public forum are allocated five minutes in which to speak. If you would like to speak, it would be appreciated if you could provide a written version of your submission, either to the email address above prior to the meeting or handed to the minute secretary after your speak. These submissions will be placed on Council’s website.
Alternatively you can contact the mayor or Councillors with your feedback
- Lindsay Brown [email protected]
- Liz Innes [email protected]
- Peter Schwarz [email protected]
- Neil Burnside [email protected]
- Gabi Harding [email protected]
- Danielle Brice [email protected]
- Rob Pollock [email protected]
- Milton Leslight [email protected]