There are 2 major items that impact Broulee and Mossy Point Residents and I urge you to review their meeting Agenda on the council website.
The first item is a Planning Proposal to be endorsed by Council in relation to the development of the Bangalay Sand Forest adjacent to George Bass Drive (from Broulee Road to Train Street). Many of you will remember this development from last year where Council worked with the Developers to gain special sign off from the NSW Minister for Environment allowing the clearing of this threatened forest.
If you feel strongly about this plan you can attend the meeting at Council at 10am on Tuesday. If you would like to speak you must register before midday on Monday by phoning Carol Hodges on 44741358. Members of the BMPCA will be attending the meeting so please respond to this email if you would like us to raise a matter on your behalf.
The second item of interest for Broulee and Mossy Point members is that Council accept the Tenderer to replace the Candlagan Creek Bridge. With works proposed to be completed before the commencement of the school holiday period in December 2015. Whilst the bridge is under construction the bridge will be closed to all traffic. Pedestrian access will be maintained using a temporary footbridge. Council have stated that they will conduct a community meeting to provide updated timeframes.