Present and Apologies
See attendance sheet (44 members and non-members) and apologies (6).
Minutes of previous meeting
Acceptance moved Vince Fisher, seconded Derek Anderson. Agreed.
Letter to ESC requesting discussions about number of suggested changes by BMPCA in vicinity of North Broulee toilet block.
Treasurer’s Report
President assured that funds in bank accounts.
General Business
- Annetts Parade/George Bass Drive Intersection – President met with Warren Sharpe on site on 23 September. Concern about grass and adjacent banks impeding view lines, also uneven road surface. ESC undertaken to put on surveyors list to see if it meets traffic requirements. Speed limit is being considered by Council Traffic Committee.
- Art on the Path – 18 December and 8 January. Barbeque needed for sausage sizzle.
- Invitation to meet with senior ESC staff next year to discuss BMP issues.
- Connells Close/Annetts Parade turn around needs to be put on list to Council – needs all weather access.
- Footpath from Surfside Street to River Road agreed as high priority for BMPCA funding contribution. ESC looking at shared pathway strategy but BMPCA priority is for footpath along Annetts Parade
- Sand Sculptures, 4 – 5 pm New Years Eve. Richard Fisher wishes to step down from organisation and is sounding out a successor.
- Bay to Breakers Swim 12 March. Volunteers necessary to help with entries and finishing. BBSLSC has agreed to share profits as has occurred in past 5 years.
- Street Trees in Broulee near proposed new housing. Local group working with ESC and developer to establish appropriate species taking into account road and pedestrian safety. All prepared to water trees to ensure good establishment.
- Received IGA Community Chest cheque for $600. Write to thank Manager. Possibility of being part of Moruya Chamber of Commerce Moruya Matters scheme to be investigated.
- Aircraft noise – need to consider impact on houses in Broulee, particularly low flight passes. Matter has been raised with ESC.
ESC Presentation on Planning Proposal for Broulee
- Mark Hitchinson updated meeting on amendments as a result of community concerns
- Plans available on website
- Exhibition period extended to 27 January
- Letters sent to all Broulee residents
- ESC available from 4.30pm 8 December at Captain Oldrey Park for one on one discussions
ESC Briefing on Mossy Point Headland
- Deb Lenson, Courtney Fink-Downes from ESC and Helen Wheeler (NSW Crown Lands)
- Many discussions with 17 landholders that abut Mossy Point Headland, which began in 2015
- Joint project with Crown Lands focussing mainly on weed control and cessation of dumping of garden waste over cliff line
- No change of use, will remain public reserve
- Want to restrict mowing to cliff edge mainly for safety reasons but also retention of small area of EEC: Themeda grassland on seacliffs and coastal headlands. ESC will slash unmown areas on an annual basis.
- Most of work completed.
- Discussion ensued which raised a number of issues including growth of vegetation within unmowed areas with comparisons to growth of Casuarinas after mowing was ceased in reserve to north of houses, long term public use of area as mowed grassland, possible effect of fire and implications for fire hazard status on new developments in area, classification of Themeda grassland as EEC, exacerbation of feral animal problem, safety aspects such as snakes, need for overall master plan for headland.
- Motion raised that BMPCA write to relevant authority to stop project.
- Discussion about need for motion. It was felt that a motion to take no further action was not appropriate, considering the differing views of the meeting and the potential for such a motion to fragment the association.
- Deb Lenson (ESC) committed to removing pegs, completing the weed control and to consult with landholders about where they wished to mow.
- A request was made that BMPCA raise the possibility of the preparation of an overall plan for Mossy Point Headland with senior ESC staff. This was supported by 14 attendees with 2 opposed and the remainder of the meeting abstained.
Next meeting: 7pm Thursday 16th February 2017