Present: 28
Apologies: 11 per attendance sheet.
President welcomed everybody to the first meeting for 2018.
Minutes of meeting 9th November 2017 accepted, moved David McCann, 2nd Andrew Bain.
Correspondence: Email from Warren Sharpe - Mossy Point headland, Annetts Parade footpath, George Bass Drive/Annetts Parade intersection, Broulee road.
Correspondence: Report on Sand Modelling competition.
- Treasurer's Report : $6,457.06 in General account, In $73.10 from AOP, $9,653.73 in Pathway account, In $500 from sandcastle event.
- Membership. : 240, the Treasurer requested the facility to add members and email addresses to the data base.
- General Business
- Annetts Parade/ George Bass intersection improvement in sight lines and white STOP line moved forward.
- Mossy Point headland : vista up the river and view to Broulee Island in front of bollards opened up, but other vegetation retained giving wind protection from different directions. Comment that the vegetation at the Broulee Island view could be pruned further, Council outdoor staff to be advised when doing on-going maintenance. Request for directional arrows on the roadway for follow up with Council.
- Annetts Parade footpath, BPMCA asked to hold on publicity until Andrew Constance makes an announcement about the successful grant for the footpath, expected in next few days. The success of this grant was due in no small part by the sustained advocacy of the Community Association.
- North Broulee drainage. : initial work improved the drainage temporarily, but after 10mls of rain recently the water took 30hrs to drain away which is not acceptable, and needs thorough maintenance. To be followed up.
- Access to Disabled toilet, North Broulee. : often impeded by parked cars, not clearly identified, suggestion to have raised ridges as in traffic control and a smooth continuous surface from roadway to path.
- Surf Club : concern was raised about the external shower drainage, which is blocked with sand and increased risk of tinia infection, also lack of a water tap for drinking water as has been installed at North Broulee. Members asked that the issue be discussed with the surf club and a possible relocation of the shower adjacent to the viewing platform for natural drainage to the sand. Further that the next stage of development at the surf club consider installing a rainwater tank.
- Developer's sign on George Bass Drive : sign in dilapidated condition, Council notified and request for it to be removed.
This was considered in the ROSS - Recreation and Open Space Strategy. This report will be delivered to Council on Tuesday 27th February, with opportunity to speak at the public forum.
The document will be available on Council website as an agenda item on Wednesday 21st February. BMPCA members urged to attend the meeting and representatives will speak at the public forum
Much discussion followed with an explanation about the land beyond the netball courts, alternative sites in the shire for sporting infrastructure, possible use of local school ovals, passionate pleas to not cut down remaining trees, importance of community wellbeing.
MOTION. : the Community Association meet with ESC to discuss report and put a strong point of view on Capt. Oldrey Park before the Council meeting. Moved Linda Chapman 2nd Lynn Bain. In addition can the vote on ROSS be be stalled and an extension of time be requested.
Need to liaise with P&C and Netball
- Bay to Breakers Swim on Sunday 11th March, volunteers needed for Sunday from 8am and on Saturday evening from 5pm at the surf club. Contact Lynn Bain
- Other issues noted. : North Broulee ladies toilet needs sign, loose iron on toilet roof, traffic congestion on Heath St. due to increased development, mosaic panel on disabled toilet, bike racks south Broulee, erosion at turn around bay south Broulee beach, car park on north side of Candlagan bridge in poor condition
- Meeting closed 8.55pm
Next meeting Thursday May 10th 2018