Thursday 28th February 2019 Broulee Public School
Meeting opened 7pm
Attendance and Apologies per attendance sheet.
Confirmation of Minutes of meeting 30th November 2018 moved D. Anderson, 2nd B. Paris, carried.
Business arising - deferred to General Business
Treasurers Report :
- Working account - $6492.68
- Inputs: $1200.00 – sandcastle event
- $137.00 - ESC for beach license
- Pathway account - $1005.19
The meeting expressed thanks and congratulations to John and Deb Waser for organisation of the Sandcastle event. Moved A. Bain, 2nd L. Bain.
Correspondence : noted.
General Business and President’s report.
1. Letter on behalf of the Association to commend Council on the Tomakin road roundabout project, and request for it to be planted in line with other roundabouts in the Shire.
2. Report on Moruya airport runway upgrade, for information.
3. RLS update, on letter writing campaign and decision by NSW Dept. of Planning still pending.
4. Captain Oldrey Park [COP] Nature Trail .
From the Masterplan “ work with local Landcare group and Broulee Public School to design and establish a compacted gravel, accessible trail for education and recreation purposes through the trees. Perform risk assessment of trees for retention”. The meeting determined to proceed, a subcommittee was formed : D.McCann, S. O’Keefe, L.Bain, S.Needham with others to be co-opted as needed. Need to liase and involve BPS. To request mature tree survey report from Council.
Ross Hayward explained the survey pegs, which are for a new rising main [sewer]. He also spoke on the need for an efficient car parking plan to minimize the need to move the netball courts North and clear more trees. The President proposed a meeting with Gary Bruce ESC Manager for Development Control, including Engineering and Recreation representatives.
5. Future Projects for BMPCA.
Confirmed COP nature trail – priority
Placement of seating along pedestrian paths, 1- corner of Heath/Grant St on tarmac pad where former seat located, 2- Mossy Point headland walk. Look into repurposing seats and contacting Banksia Village to consider a joint project with 50/50 funding.
6. Request Council for an onsite meeting to strongly consider a long term solution to the drainage problem on Coronation Drive, and to revisit the upgrade and accessibility to the viewing platform at Nth Broulee as detailed in a letter in 2016.
6. Street trees and wildlife boxes. Follow up earlier requests to Council and query Council’s policy on street trees, and whether Section 94 money is allocated for same.
7. Insurance – enquiry to Dept of Fair Trading, it is not mandatory for NFP organisations to have insurance, up to the membership and assessment of risk. AON Insurance have tailored policies for voluntary associations, and public liability would cost about $700. The activities undertaken by BMPCA are covered by public liability insurance held by partner bodies, eg Council, Surf club. May seek legal advice for further consideration of this matter.
8. Fundraising flyer – waiting on redesign.
Other Business
Pathways – Heath St to PO on western side of Grant St., Grant St. to Broulee Rd. to be referred to Council pathway list.
Art on the Path, request from Bernadette Davis for BBQ, agreed to man a stall on 6th October 2019 and 5th January 2020.
Bay to Breakers swim 10th March, appreciation extended to Association volunteers who are helping at the event. This is BMPCA main source of fundraising !!
Meeting closed 8.40pm.
Next Meeting Thursday 30th May.