The Minutes of the February meeting were approved. There were 12 members present and over 20 apologies.
The Treasurer reported that the Association’s finances were:
$6623 in the general account, and
$10,257 in the Pathways account – this includes the $3000 donation from the Surf Club from the recent Bay to Breakers swim.
Mossy Point pathway. The Shire’s general draft operating plan for the next 3 years is currently on display and submissions can be made over the next 2 to 3 weeks. The pathway is not high on the current list of priorities. It was suggested that we urge Council to improve the grass and dirt pathway running along Annetts Parade as a temporary measure, given the dangerous nature of pedestrian access along the Parade, used by mothers with prams, etc.
Refurbishment of the Toilet Block at North Broulee. A copy of the planned works was tabled. A new disabled toilet will be added at the men’s toilet end and new surrounding concreting will be done. The plan to replace the concrete in front of the toilet seems to be a waste of resources. This led to general discussion of the surrounds, including issues such as the blocking by cars of the access ramp from Coronation Drive and the drainage from the showers.
State of local streets. Concern was again raised about the overuse of Elisabeth Drive in Broulee by trucks and workmen involved in the new development and why the developers were not pressed to put through the road from Heath Street to Train Street for trucks. Traffic is heavy along the Drive and there is also concern about the speed of vehicles. This led to a general discussion about the condition of roads and the poor quality of work done on local streets through the Council. Instances of potholes, the simple overlaying of problem areas with new road surfaces, the breaking up of the recent road surface improvements around the new bridge and elsewhere, and the poor state of Elisabeth Drive due to heavy traffic, especially from Angle Street to Heath Street.
George Bass Drive/Annetts Parade intersection. There is to be a design check on the intersection in June/July this year.
Broulee signs. The meeting agreed to refurbish the two signs at the entry points to the village at Candlagan Bridge and Grant Street for $600. A working bee will be organised to prepare the current metal backings for the new signs. The President suggested we add the words Gazetted 1837. This was agreed.
Community Notice Board. The Association will put a permanent notice on top of the board to alert people to its work.
Bay to Breakers Swim. $3000 was received from the Surf Club from the recent swim in March. Ross thanked the members of the Association who helped on the day. The meeting approved $100 to the Sailing Club for the use of their buoys in the event.
Wildlife. Council has cat bibs which help to prevent attacks on wildlife by domestic cats. The Council contact is Courtney Fink-Downs. Also cat traps are available.
Motel. The Broulee Motel on Grant Street has been refurbished and the Association has received an invitation to attend the opening on Monday June 12. Barbara Evans will attend for the Association.
Air traffic noise and safety issues. There has been an increase in aircraft activity especially on weekends around the airport and over the village. With the further development of the airport this will only increase. Some residents complained about the increasing noise of aircraft especially over the southern end of the village and raised the issue of safety as aircraft, both planes and helicopters, fly quite low over the village. Individual complaints have been made to CASA but to no avail. There is no need for aircraft, even rescue helicopters doing their drills, to fly over the housing areas and Council as the body responsible for the airport will be approached to determine if an air exclusion zone over Broulee and Mossy Point can be regulated.
Two issues of the screening of the Skate Park to reduce noise for the Caravan Park and the planting of trees along streets in Broulee will be followed up individually by members with Council.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 10 August at 7pm.