We were surprised and disappointed to receive this letter. Council has not once contacted us to discuss the contents of our newsletter. We have requested a meeting with the Mayor and he has agreed to meet with us next Wednesday.
The figures provided within the BMPCA newsletters have come solely from official Council documents. The official planning document produced by Council (ref:PSR15/019 E15.9218.R) contains only 2 references to population which are quoted in italics below.
"The development will facilitate around 500 new dwellings of various forms (Broulee currently contains 1,200 dwellings) and will increase the population of Broulee from 2,300 to 3,700." [page 41 of Councils Planning Proposal]
"The total development yield of the subject area is estimated to be 500 dwellings. Within the current urban area of Broulee there are 1041 dwellings plus 120 units in the Banksia Retirement Village (there are also 58 current vacant residential lots in Broulee). Therefore, full development of Broulee, including the subject land, would see the total number of dwelling increase by 40% to approximately 1700. In terms of population, using the average household size of 2.2 persons, full development would result in an increase from 2300 to 3700 persons. This is not considered an overdevelopment of the subject area." [page 51 of Councils Planning Proposal]
Based on these Council supplied figures the population increase will be 60.87%
On the basis of this we have serious doubts about the credibility of the newly circulated figures provided by Council that adding 15ha of medium density housing and reducing the minimum block size would result in only 150 extra residents.
We are concerned about the accusations within this letter and will raise these with the Mayor on Wednesday.