Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Marie Zuvich presented the Presidents Report highlighting: Improved links with other organisations including Council, Broulee Womens Boardriders resulting in may areas of joint activity including construction of shared pathways, Bay to Breakers swim, sandcastle competition, growing Art on the Path events and widespread of community facilities.
A motion was put by Andrew Bain congratulating Marie on her successful leadership over past years. This was passed by acclamation.
- The Treasurer’s report was received and accepted
- Dunecare report was received and accepted
AGM election:
Bill Nagle returning Officer
President: Ross Hayward
Secretary: Dan Lloyd Jones
Treasurer: Lindsay Boynton
Executive Positions
Richard Fisher
Andrew Bain
General Business
Art on the Path - 6 October.
- Barbara Evans to coordinate BBQ
- Andrew and Lynn Bain to organise Coffee Van and Posters
Broulee Women Boardriders have received a grant to conduct an anti-litter program at the skate park
Kelwyn White from Rural Fire Service gave a presentation on the development of a Community Protection Plan for Broulee Mossy Point area. She noted that the catalyst for developing the Community Protection Plan was to ensure the treatment of the fire risk within the endangered Bangalay Sand Forest between Broulee and the airport was consistent with the Southern Rivers CMA property vegetation plan, Broulee Biodiversity Certification Strategy and the Eurobodalla Bush Fire Risk Management Plan.
- BMPCA will assist with Community engagement in the preparation of the plan which is due for completion before the next fire season.