Jennifer Brewster, Anthony Mayne, Vince Fisher, Stewart & Diddy Needham, Katherine White, Bruce Schaefer, John Anderson, Pamela & Russell Schneider, Warren & Jenny Jones, Peter Dunn, Richard Fisher, Barbara & Richard Roberts, Derek & Fran Anderson, Edie Robertson, Geoff McVeigh, Andrew & Lynn Bain, Ross Hayward
Wendy Dunn, David McCann, Alexandra Hill, June Carter, Barbara Evans, Linda Chapman, Sharon Schaefer, Elaine Anderson
Minutes of previous meeting
Acceptance moved Peter Dunn, seconded Andrew Bain. Agreed.
- Letter from Jeff Morgan, ESC Divisional Manager, Planning Services, concerning proposed Broulee Development. Confirmed points made at February meeting. Subsequent advice that still awaiting finalisation of Master Plan as awaiting information from one of developers.
- Broulee/Mossy Point/Tomakin Flood Study community consultation on Tuesday 7 June, 6-8 pm and 11 am – 2 pm on 8 June at Tomakin Community Centre.
Matters Arising
- Status of Candlagan Creek bridge. Expect car park and bridge to reopen on 30 May. Associated developments include improved accessibility to picnic area, realignment of commemorative stone, southern steps widened to meet current standards, guard rail being realigned on southern approach. Thanks expressed to ESC.
- Annetts Parade pathway needs upgrading because of increased number of permanent residents in vicinity. Issue raised at previous meeting and has been brought to ESC attention.
- Stairway needed from Mossy Point Headland to Candlagan Creek. Also raised previously. Crown Lands supportive but needs funding source.
- Extension and upgrade of shared pathway from Airport wind sock car park to North Head. Letter forwarded to Council reiterating high priority and that BMPCA has $25,000 to contribute. Lobbying since 2002 and monies have been raised from various local events and donations.
Possibility of grading existing Bengello pathway to north of foot bridge raised at February meeting and has been brought to ESC attention.
General Business
- North Broulee Environs
Drainage along Coronation Drive under investigation. Should include gravel on shoulder and parallel rather than angle parking. Vehicles would compact gravel and runoff would flow to infiltrate into sand.
Concern about ponding near toilet block, please take photos or ring President with evidence.
- Village by the Sea Signage
- Concern that previous rip warning sign at Candlagan Creek was removed.
- Eurobodalla Social Bike Ride
Purpose of the ride is to promote healthy living, celebrate cycling and to share the recent road rule changes to cycling. Importantly it is an opportunity to work closely with the community and Council in upgrading "Share the Road" signage and to complete the cycle pathway from the airport windsock to the North Head Camping Ground. Proposed date is Sunday 18 Sept kicking off at 9am with a bbq to follow.
- Removal of Casuarinas from Candlagan Creek park area raises issue of tree husbandry in the shire. Broulee Master Plan includes landscaping and vegetation linkages within plan. Need shire-wide landscaping plan that includes tree or shrub replacement where appropriate, whenever works are carried out and species replacement along street verges.
- Dogs on Beaches
Two possible alternatives outlined:
- Dogs be allowed off-lead but under control from 5 pm to 9am on North Broulee beach from Train Street to South Broulee car park, excluding any area on Broulee Island Nature Reserve.
- Dogs be allowed off-lead but under control from 5 pm to 9 am and on lead for the remainder of the day from Train Street to South Broulee car park, excluding any area on Broulee Island Nature Reserve.
Second option favoured and put to vote (moved Ross Hayward, seconded Barb Roberts). Outcome: 14 for, 8 against.
Amended motion to exclude dogs from Shark Bay (moved Katherine White, seconded Stewart Needham) Outcome of vote: 7 for, 11 against.
ESC to be advised of vote outcome on original motion but with following provisos:
That policing of areas where dogs allowed must be effective and timely, citizens happy to distribute information.
- Other issues raised by Richard Fisher included –
Fruit Bats: occur in Broulee and Mossy Point. Concern that colonies may increase.
Broulee Folklore web site has had 25,000 hits
Information on changed electoral boundaries incorrect on some Government websites.
Muffin Shop heritage listing incorrect
Mowing changes on Mossy Point Headland questioned.
Next meeting: AGM 7 pm Thursday 8 September 2016