The President opened the meeting at 7.35 pm.
Attendance and Apologies. As per the Attendance and Apologies Register.
Minutes of Previous Meeting. The minutes are on the Association's web page.
Motion. Moved Lindsay Boyton, 2nd John Anderson 'That the minutes of the previous general meeting be accepted.' Carried.
General Business:
The following matters were discussed:
- Eurobodalla Shire Council's (ESC's) pathway strategy (introduced in June 2016) does not provide for further foothpaths in Mossy Point in the Financial Year 2017/18. BMPCA may offer to partly fund further works for Financial Year 2018/19, although it could be opportune to canvas the availability of funds from the NSW state government.
- Broulee Surfers SLSC has called a strategy meeting for the 2018 Bay To Breakers swim, the meeting is scheduled for 11.00 am on 20 August, Richard Roberts and Wendy Dunn will represent BMPCA.
- M. and M. Castle approached the Association with concerns about the footpath leading onto the Candlagan Creek bridge, it's narrow and there is a rocky 'drop-off' quite close. This will be noted to ESC as a part of the regular liaison.
- BMPCA recently provided ESC with a letter to support their application for NSW government funds for widening and other works on Broulee Road between the Princes Highway and the driveway to the sand quarry; and for refurbishment and widening of the Garlandtown bridge on North Head Drive.
- Optus wants to erect a triangular lattice 50 metre mast on the western side of the southern end of the George Bass Drive bridge over Candlagan Creek. The drawings associated with the proposal show tree heights of 30 metres. The neighbour adjacent to the property involved will be confronted by the tower upon entering and leaving their property, it will be 200 metres from their home. BMPCA has concerns about lack of notice for the development, its impact on the precinct, and whether such a mast might be better located by the reservoir across George Bass Drive from Annetts Parade. ESC Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne, who attended the meeting, undertook to ask council staff for a report on the proposal.
- Aircraft noise. Motion. Moved Glen Newton, 2nd Richard Fisher: 'That BMPCA ask ESC to advise current aircraft movements from Moruya Airport; projected movements; flight path, height and hours of operations restrictions; ESC procedures and contact number for reporting breaches; and what considerations ESC has made for the impacts of the growth of Moruya Airport on residents of Broulee and Mossy Point.' Carried.
- Karen Harvey from the southern end of Broulee asked if there could be a footpath along Broulee Road, and whether a 'reminder' speed sign could be erected after the bend from Heath Street to restrain traffic leaving Broulee from speeding up there. Motion. Moved Ross Hayward, 2nd Barbara Roberts 'That the matter be raised with ESC during the regular liaison.' Carried.
- The President sought views on whether it would be beneficial to raise the number of general meetings from four to five each year, perhaps February, June and November with two daytime meetings between. This is seen as providing an opportunity for attendance for parents of young children, perhaps a venue that served morning coffee could be found. The meeting was in support of the idea.
- The Annetts Parade/George Bass Drive intersection is dangerous while the speed limit on George Bass Drive remains at 100 kph. Motion: moved Ross Hayward 2nd Vince Fisher 'That the BMPCA should press for an on-site meeting between the ESC Local Traffic Committee, representative of the NSW Police, and Association members, preferably in September.' Carried. ESC Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne, who was in attendance, noted that the traffic committee included RMS representation, and undertook to seek such a meeting.
- The memorial seat from the Anchor Lookout. The Jolley family funded the seat which has 'disappeared'. There is a rumour that it was crashed into by the mower man and subsequently seen being loaded onto an ESC truck. ESC Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne, who was in attendance, undertook to chase up its whereabouts.
- Sand Sculpture Festival. Richard Fisher undertook to check that this year's Event Application has been or is being lodged.
- Wheelchair access to the new disabled toilet at the north end of Broulee Beach, and to the lookout behind, needs to be addressed. It was suggested that a 'disabled parking' motif could be painted on Coronation Drive at the footpath entrance, if a vehicle is parked there it blocks a wheelchair going from the road to the toilet. This will be noted to ESC as a part of the regular liaison.
- There are now large kangaroos through Mossy Point, motorists should beware.
- Rabbits are again prolific in Mossy Point.
- Grey headed fruit bats are again in Mossy Point.
- Richard Fisher outlined a proposal for a joint local community, and ESC or Department of Primary Industry (Lands) project to remove sufficient vegetation to restore some of the views now lost from the Anchor Lookout. There was no dissent among those present other than the suggestion that this goal would be difficult to achieve. This matter will be progressed in September.
- Next meeting Thursday 9th November 2017 at 7pm
The President thanked those present for their attendance, and closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.
Richard Fisher
Minute Secretary