The President opened the meeting at 7.00 pm.
Attendance and Apologies. As per the Attendance and Apologies Register.
President's Report. The President reflected on some activities during the year:
- The improvements to the walking/cycling track to the Airport made the path much more agreeable, and the path is now much used.
- The quest to have a proper footpath by Annetts Parade between Sunrise Ave and Pacific St is stalled, Eurobodalla Shire Council (ESC) does not rate the project as of sufficiently high priority to be funded in Financial Year 2017/18.
- Refurbished signs for 'Broulee - Village By The Sea' have been well received.
- The refurbished Notice Board has been well received.
- The March 2017 Bay To Breakers Swim was a success for both the BMPCA and the Broulee Surfers SLSC, the Sand Sculpture Festival was also a resounding success.
- We welcome the new disabled toilet at the north end of Broulee Beach.
The President also noted that involvement in future Art On The Path events would be a subject raised during the regular liaison sessions with ESC. The next event is expected to be on the October long weekend.
In conclusion, the President offered his thanks to those who were committee members throughout the year.
Treasurer's Report. The Treasurer presented the annual financial report, which showed that the Association is in a strong financial position. After passing $25,600 to ESC, the shared pathway fund has a balance of $9602. The general account has a balance of $6511.
The Treasurer noted that membership numbers were down compared with the previous year, and undertook to send reminders to former members who had not renewed.
Motion. Moved Lindsay Boyton, 2nd Barbara Roberts, 'That the Treasurer's Report be accepted.' Carried.
Minutes of Previous AGM. The minutes are on the Association's web page.
Motion. Moved Ross Hayward, 2nd Richard Fisher 'That the minutes of the 2016 AGM be accepted.' Carried.
Election of Office Bearers. The President vacated the chair, and the meeting appointed Richard Roberts as Returning Officer. The following posts were filled as shown, in all cases they were uncontested:
President: Ross Hayward, nominated by Richard Fisher, 2nd Barbara Roberts.
Vice President: Andrew Bain, nominated by Wendy Dunn, 2nd Vince Fisher.
Secretary: Barbara Roberts, nominated by Wendy Dunn, 2nd Shirley Reid.
Treasurer: Lindsay Boyton, nominated by Ross Hayward, 2nd John Anderson.
General Committee Members: Dan Lloyd-Jones, nominated by Ross Hayward, 2nd Barbara Roberts; Vince Fisher, nominated by Judy Baghurst, 2nd Richard Fisher; Shirley Reid, nominated by Lyn McVeigh, 2nd Lindsay Boyton.
Public Officer: The meeting affirmed Lindsay Boyton's continuance as Public Officer.
The President resumed the chair, thanked those present for their attendance, and closed the meeting at 7.34 pm.
Richard Fisher
Minute Secretary