The president opened the meeting at 7.05 pm.
Attendees and apologies are shown on the separate Attendance Sheet.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer gave his report which showed that the finances of the association were in a healthy state, with fundraising for the shared pathway progressing well.
Moved Lindsay Boyton, seconded Derek Anderson “That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.” Carried.
Dunecare Report
While the Dunecare coordinator has been away from the shire, there has been a lull in activities. In the coordinator’s absence, a very brief report was limited to the successful removal of agapanthus on the Mossy Point Headland.
The Dunecare Coordinator is still in possession of the Indian Myna Bird trap, the fate of the two birds sighted near Harbour Drive is not known.
Bay to Breakers Swim
The Bay to Breakers swim attracted 272 participants, it’s now part of “The Swimming Calendar”. There were 105 swimmers from Canberra, 81 from Broulee and Mossy Point, and Mollymook, Sydney and Melbourne were represented as well. A highlight was the successful swim by a disabled swimmer. There is no doubt that the region will further benefit from the event.
2014 was Hotondo Homes’ second year of a three year sponsorship commitment, it’s greatly appreciated. The $5800 raised by the event has seen $2600 allocated to the Broulee Surfers SLSC and the Community Association, with the remainder being left in the float for next year. Geoff Wells presented the $2600 cheque to the Association.
Cyclists on Candlagan Creek Bridge
There was some discussion about the congestion brought about by cyclists riding across the bridge, either on the roadway or the pathway. The pathway may be a footpath, but there is no signage to indicate that the Broulee Shared Pathway ceases before the bridge. As well, the status of the pathway along Beach Road Mossy Point is unclear. The committee agreed to take the matter on board, to be raised during discussion with ESC staff about the proposed shared pathway along Annetts Parade Mossy Point.
Placement of Pavers in the Shared Pathway
Ross has all outstanding Fundraiser Pavers and has organised for Council to lay them next to the shared pathway. There are concerns about the location of the existing pavers in Heath Street Broulee and whether they could be accidentally damaged by any development works on adjoining blocks. The committee has decided that they will be lifted, and relocated to the verge of the concrete shared pathway in Coronation Drive opposite Clarke Street. There is space for them on the rise, between the concrete and the wooden retaining wall.
Dog Droppings
As a part of Clean Up Australia Day, Wendy Wilson collected 81 dumps of "doggy do" along the shared pathway in Coronation Drive. It averages out at one dump per 25 metres. She has asked Council to install bag stations for dog walkers to use, in other regions these stations consist of a rubbish bin and a dispenser of bio-degradable bags.
Moved David McCann, seconded Derek Anderson, “That the Association writes a letter to Council supporting Wendy’s request.” Carried.
Tomaga Estuary Plan
The Tomaga Estuary Plan is due to be updated, there is a public meeting scheduled for Wednesday 28 May 2014 from 6.00 to 7.00 pm at the Tomakin Community Hall.
Beach Access at The Loovre
The Association still aims to have “disabled access” to the lookout at the Loovre (toilet block) at Broulee Beach. Council is still holding a list of our “desirable projects” which are funds dependent. This subject will be raised again during ongoing discussions with Council staff.
Bicycle Path Broulee to North Head
The association’s proposal for the gravel bicycle path to be extended to the North Head Camping Area from the wind sock is still being considered. Council made mention that they may be able to reduce costs in construction by re-purposing materials/spoil from other projects to use as a base.
Donation to Broulee Public School
The association annually donates to the school, to support the community and in appreciation of being permitted to use the school facilities.
Moved Lindsay Boyton, seconded Derek Anderson “That the association donates $400 to the Broulee School Fund.” Carried.
Village Signs
It was noted that the “Broulee, Village By The Sea” signs are showing their age. They are in Coronation Drive south of the bridge, and on Broulee Road. During discussion the point was made that Broulee should have a third sign, in Train Street near George Bass Drive. It was also suggested that Mossy Point should have signs, perhaps with the anchor as a symbol. Mossy Point signs to be on Beach Road north of the bridge, and Annetts Parade near George Bass Drive. Both Broulee and Mossy Point signs sharing one post at the bridge was also suggested, and the need for signs anyway was questioned. It was agreed that the matter could be the subject of further consideration by the committee.
Caitlin Crescent Action Group
The meeting was advised that the new headmaster of St Peter’s College has asked Council to put on hold the college’s application to increase access via the Caitlan Crescent entrance.
This leaves in place the 2005 approval’s restrictions on use of the gate, which include that the gate will be unlocked from 7.00am to 6.00pm week days only, during those times vehicles driven by students, parents and the public will be excluded from access; and on up to six special occasions per year, not more than twice during night time. As well, the college has advised parents that they are not to use Caitlin Crescent as a drop off/pick up point.
Moruya and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Moruya and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry is holding an 8 week strategic planning program from June 24 to developer a strategic business plan. They would like to involve members from Broulee and Mossy Point and are looking for someone to join the workshops.
Next Meeting
The next association meeting will be the Annual General Meeting in September.
The president thanked members for their attendance, and closed the meeting at 8.10 pm.
Lindsay Boyton
Ross Hayward
Richard Fisher
Daniel Lloyd Jones
Geoff Wells
Shirley Dix
Yvonne Scales
Maggie Nadal
George Nadal
Chris Catt
Peter Dunn
John Anderson
Derek Anderson
David McCann
Lynn Bain
Andrew Bain
Fran Anderson
Elaine Anderson
Julie Klugman