· Andrew and Lynn Bain (in WA)
· Richard and Judy Fischer
· Fran and Derek
· Auriel Leahy
· Anthony Mayne
· C. Kennedy
Adopted minutes of last meeting
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer gave his report which showed that the finances of the association were in a healthy state. General $8,123.63 and Shared Pathway Fund $22,002.43
It was agreed that the Treasurer should be granted approval to get online banking access to view both of the BMPCA Commonwealth bank accounts. (Moved by Ross Hayward and 2nd David McCann)
General Business
Given the healthy state of the Association finances it was suggested that our members should submit ideas on how to spend money in the General account. It was recommended that submissions be made as part of the next meeting for consideration.
Broulee Swim
Sunday 8 March 2015. Lynn Bain will continue as liaison officer – we had 13 helpers last swim which was terrific. We expect more competitors next year so that means even more helpers. We also borrow big turning buoys from Batemans Bay Sailing Club and I think BMPCA should make a $100 donation as this has happened 3 years in a row. The swim is a major fund raiser for BMPCA and goes towards Mossy Point bike path extension. Also if anyone has ideas/connections for prizes, sponsorship please email them through or contact Lynn.
Riff Whiz Live Music Trivia Night Fundraiser
Saturday 15 November. A joint activity with the surf club initiated by Chris Catt. We will share ticket profits ($20/head). It is a “live music” trivia night plus one round of Broulee trivia. Put it in your diary! Tuesday 7th October at the Surf Club
Sea Level Rise Policy Information from Council.
A letter was sent out to selected properties who would be effected by Sea Level Rise. The BMPCA recommendation is that individual land owners contact the council to determine how this new framework affects their specific property. We will contact council and notify them there was some uncertainty amongst our members on how they are affected and recommend that it could be beneficial to hold an information meeting for community consultation
George Bass Drive safety concerns
Safety concerns were raised again relating to the Mossy Point Annetts Parade and George Bass Drive intersection. Different options were discussed about how safety might be improved and these will be suggested to council.
- Reduce speed limit to 80km/h.
- Conduct maintenance to improve sight distances in both directions. Earthworks and mowing
- Ageing driving population is a factor in considering the safety
- Increased traffic on these roads
- Recommend a possible upgrade of the intersection to allow for a “Seagull” safety turn.
A Mossy Point resident asked me to inform the Association that a lady was hit from behind and knocked down by a youth on a bicycle when they were both travelling on the Beach Road footpath towards the bridge. The youth's excuse was that he couldn't stop because he had no brakes. Despite abrasions and bruising, the lady declined to inform either the police or the Eurobodalla Shire Council. The resident asked if, during normal liaison with Council staff, there could be a mention of this incident together with a "wish" that the existing pathway could be widened.
A question was raised on whose responsibility for the landscaping along the shared pathway and Surf Club Precinct to improve the visual impact. It was suggested the first point of contact was landcare, and a submission could be made in our next meeting for possible funding by the Association from our General account.
Reported that all pavers are now installed in the shared pathway. See attached photos
A letter was sent to Council regarding the flooding on Train St/Candalagan Drive adjacent to the shared pathway.
It was reported that there has not been feedback from Council regarding the completion of the landscaping around the North Broulee Toilet block
Next Meeting
The next association meeting will be the Annual General Meeting and BBQ 6pm Thursday 13th November. Please bring a salad and BMPCA will provide the meat.
· Alex Hill
· David McCann
· Chris Catt
· Karen Kranz
· Elaine Anderson
· John Anderson
· June Carter
· Lindsay Boyton
· Richard Roberts
· Barbara Evans
· Ron Evans
· Peter Dunn
· Dan Lloyd Jones
· Ross Hayward
· Lindsay Boyton