28 attendees 8 apologies
Meeting opened 7pm.
The President welcomed members and opened the meeting for general business.
- Bay Theatre Players forwarded $398 from “Minefields & Miniskirts
- Banksia Village intends to continue to donate funds for future projects, despite their section of the pathway being completed.
- ‘Bay to Breakers’ donation to be forwarded from Surf Club.
- Pavers have been laid in Heath St.
- Missing pavers are in a batch yet to be ordered as only 11 orders taken.
- Request for play equipment in Broulee. Younger families have raised the issue.
- Pleasing report from the surf club of ‘no fatalities’ during last season
Paula Pollock and Norm Lenehan of Council’s Natural Environment Section were introduced and spoke on the Broulee Biodiversity Certification Strategy 2013. The process was explained and how it will progress if adopted by Council.
Extensive question and answer session continued until the end of the meeting. Until public submissions close on 22/5/13 Paula Pollock will be available for questions.
All are encouraged to make their own submissions, even simple statements or questions, via Council’s website: http://www.esc.nsw.gov.au/general/council-projects/biocertification/broulee/
Next Meeting at 7pm on 15th August 2013.