Thursday 29th November 2018
Broulee Public School
Meeting opened at 8pm after presentation by Kelwyn White from the RFS
Attendance as per register, and apologies noted.
Confirmation of minutes of 20th September, moved V Fisher, 2nd B Schaef, carried.
President’s Report.
Mossy point pathway payment was handed over on site to Warren Sharpe on 2nd November. There is some concern at vehicles parking on the pathway blocking pedestrians, needs some education of locals and visitors. Clr Mayne to take it to the Roads and Traffic committee of Council.
Capt. Oldrey Park Master plan was adopted by Council on Tuesday 27th November, it is generally a plan the community can live with. At the last consultation with user groups, Council was urged to look elsewhere in coming years for further sporting oval development, not on environmentally sensitive land. It was acknowledged that Council did listen to the community, but has to balance competing needs, and discussion will continue, particularly when it comes to the road reserve. The open space in the Master plan to the west of COP will permit utility development, [sewage, pumping station, stormwater retention etc,] but not housing.
It was noted that the vote on COP was not unanimous, an amendment by Clr McGinlay to remove the future oval from the plan, retaining the Bangalay forest was lost.
President Ross addressed residents of Banksia Village to inform them about the community association, and noted that BMPCA can contribute items for their internal newsletter, and the Association may consider holding a meeting at the village if agreed to.
Treasurers Report.
Pathway Acc. $717.09, incoming : $270.00 from theatre day, $280.00 from sausage sizzle, plus $100.00 donation from Mossy Point resident.
General Acc. $5,311.00.
Moved L. Boyton, 2nd. B Roberts. Carried.
General Business :
- Fundraising information flyer approved with membership form on the back. To approach Tomakin club for assistance with printing. Moved V Fisher, 2nd. R Hayward.
- Art on the Path, Sunday 16th December, volunteers needed for sausage sizzle.
- Bay to Breakers Swim, Sunday 10th March 2019 volunteers needed.
- Sandcastle Competition, Monday 31st December [New Years Eve] low tide 11.30AM. John and Deb Waser have it in hand and Council have agreed to cover the licence fee, ESC to be invoiced by the Association. Entry fee to be raised from $5.00 to $10.00. Moved D.Waser, 2nd B Roberts. Carried. BMPCA volunteer to circulate with donation bucket on the day.
- Concern was raised at lack of insurance held by the Association. Does the Fair Trading Act give protection? Richard Roberts will seek clarification and if necessary get quotes.
Barbara Roberts
Secretary BMPCA