Minutes of General Meeting 14th November 2019 at Broulee Public School
Attendance [8] and apologies as per attendance sheet.
Confirmation of Minutes of meeting on 19 September 2019
Moved Lynn Bain, 2nd Bev Paris. Passed.
Business arising : Motion to move to general business, Lindsay Boyton,
2nd Lynn Bain. Passed
Correspondence : noted.
No President report or guest speaker.
Treasurer’s Report ; General Account - $7151.28
Pathway Account - $6073.96
Art on the Path BBQ - $285.15, Memberships $40.00
- Lynn Bain moved that the annual fee to Dept of Fair Trading be paid. 2nd Bill Platts. Passed.
- Barbara Roberts moved that BMPCA pay $100 to Batemans Bay Sailing Club for use of marker buoys at 2019 Bay to Breakers Swim. 2nd Bev Paris.
- Lindsay Boyton moved that $400 be paid to Broulee PS for meeting room use. 2nd Lynn Bain. Passed.
- Lindsay Boyton flagged a new fundraising drive for the Pathway account, selling Named Pavers to be incorporated with the proposed pathway from Heath St to Broulee PO/Supermarket. Pavers can be bought for $50 or double for $75. General discussion on need to promote widely in the community, including Banksia Village. Moved Lindsay Boyton, 2nd Bill Platts.
- Bill Platts moved a motion that up to $100 can be spent on promotional material for Paver campaign. 2nd Bev Paris. Passed.
- Sandcastle Competition 31st December, 2019. All in hand, no call for volunteers.
- Art on the Path – BBQ Sunday 5th January, volunteers : Ross, Lynn, Richard, Bill Platts [reserve].
- Heath Street drainage line - re-vegetation and weeding project, collaboration with community, Landcare, land developer and ESC. Working bee Sunday 17th November at 9am.
- Francis Street footpath – to be constructed in November, all affected landholders notified, but decided without Association consultation. To discuss with ESC.
- Request to Council via letter for a council officer to attend this meeting was deemed unnecessary, as issues relating to the “open space” to the west of Captain Oldrey Park have been extensively considered, but the Association have been offered a meeting with a Council officer for further discussion if desired. The meeting agreed that Andrew, Barbara and Ross attend this meeting and to also raise the Francis St path.
Next meeting February 2020, TBA.