by Kelwyn White – Rural Fire Service
When will you leave, what will you take and where will you go?
Local Neighbourhood Safe Places :
- Jack Buckley Park, (Tomakin)
- Malua Bay foreshore
- RFS Training Facility, Bimbimbie Rd
- Moruya airport
- Moruya Showgrounds
- Moruya Heads Preddy Wharf
AIDER Programme
assist infirm, disabled and elderly residents (Run by RFS)
Programme offering a one-off free service to reduce bush fire hazards for aged and disabled people in the community.
Details on website [].
EMAIL :[email protected]
LISTEN TO ABC LOCAL RADIO for Fire warnings .
Warnings sent by – text, landline, radio, website [], but no message if power out.
Obtain the RFS “FIRES NEAR ME” - App.
Be prepared ahead of time, take with you – “Grab and GO BOX ” of special items.
SCAN IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS, put on flash drive or USB stick, and send to relatives for safe keeping.
These are just notes from the presentation please visit the RFS website [].