Annual General Meeting Minutes
20th September 2018, Broulee Public School
President Ross Hayward opened the meeting at 7pm.
Attendance as per attendance register.
Apologies : Di Jay, Trish Eccles, Edie Robertson, Elaine Anderson
Confirmation of AGM Minutes of 10th August 2017,
Moved Peter Dunn, 2nd. Lindsay Boyton. Carried.
President’s Report The President outlined issues and advocacy that the Association has been involved in over the last 12 months.
The Annetts Parade footpath from Sunrise Ave. to Pacific St. has been completed, funded principally by a grant from the State Government and a financial contribution of $16,000 from BMPCA. This has been very well received by the local community.
Capt. Oldrey Park planning has seen much involvement from the Association, organising a public meeting in March 2018, and representations at Council meetings. The Master Plan is now out on public exhibition until 10th October, with submissions invited and encouraged from the community.
CAMP – the Companion Animal Management Plan covering “dogs on beaches” was a hot issue.
he Association assisted the Estuary Estate residents in their advocacy to Council over access issues to Oaks Ranch.
The Rural Lands Strategy Planning Proposal, which has been ongoing since 2012, came to community attention with its potential to impact on urban areas, resulting in a public meeting of Mossy Point residents supported by the Association in August 2018.
On a final positive note the Bay to Breakers swim in March 2018 was an excellent partnership event with BSSLC, bringing the community together, and also a healthy fundraiser for BMPCA.
Moved Lynn Bain, 2nd. Andrew Bain, that the President’s report be accepted. Carried.
Treasurers Report : The Treasurer presented his report for 2017/2018, and tabled the financial accounts.
The Association’s finances have improved with increased membership since emailing reminders to members when subscriptions due based on a calendar year. Membership now sits at 129. The Shared Pathway account will be very reduced after contributing to the Annetts Parade pathway, hence the need for additional fundraising.
The General account balance is $7,764.46,
Shared Pathway account balance is $14,171.66
Moved Lindsay Boyton, 2nd Vince Fisher, that the Treasurer’s report be accepted. Carried.
Election of Office Bearers. The President vacated the chair, Richard Roberts was appointed Returning Officer, and declared all positions vacant. All positions were uncontested and confirmed.
President : Ross Hayward - nominated by Andrew Bain, 2nd Derek Anderson.
Vice President: Andrew Bain – nominated by Lynn Bain, 2nd Ross Hayward.
Treasurer: Lindsay Boyton – nominated by Derek Anderson, 2nd Bev Paris.
Secretary: Barbara Roberts – nominated by Andrew Bain, 2nd Ross Hayward.
General Committee: Dan Lloyd-Jones [website manager] nominated by Barbara Roberts, 2nd Peter Dunn. Vince Fisher, nominated by Lynn Bain, 2nd Ross Hayward, Judy Baghurst, nominated by Barbara Roberts, 2nd Shirley Read.
Public Officer: Lindsay Boyton to continue.
Meeting Closed 7.35pm