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Make a submissionThank you to the Eurobodalla Shire Council General Manager Warwick Winn who attended last weeks public meeting with the more than 200 members of our community. For all those who attended it is critically important to write a submission if you have any concerns about this proposed development. It is important to keep your objections related to relevant planning matters and where possible refer to the relevant planning One of the key objections raised in the meeting was that the proposed 4-story buildings of the development significantly exceed the maximum building height of 8.5m as defined in Clause 4.6 of the Eurobodalla Local Environmental Plan. The developer is seeking to get a variation on the building height which would set a precedent for other developers to also exceed the height. How to make a submission: Submission close Monday 13th Feb The easiest way to make a submission is to press the "Lodge Submission" button on the Council’s DA tracker for this specific development. if you wish to make a submission via post or email your submission should contain the Development Application number. It must contain your name, postal address and signature, as well as your telephone and email contact Application ID DA 0391/23 Property Lots 8 and 9 DP31071, 90 – 92 Smith Street, Broulee NSW Address to: General Manager Eurobodalla Shire Council PO Box 99 MORUYA NSW 2537 Email: [email protected] ----- Submission NotesFor those who are interested in reading some further detail, a talented member of our community Owen Abbott from Owen David Architecture kindly shared his notes relating to all the technical details. They are made available in good faith and as guidance in making submissions and do not constitute planning advice. Council LinksThe relevant links: DA Application: (development proposal documents) NoticeDetails.aspx?r=ESC.P1.WEBGUEST&f=%24P1.ESB.PUBNOT.VIW&rf=P1.ESC.PUBNOTAL.E NQ&ApplicationId=DA0391%2F23&fbclid=IwAR0MeeZTwLCEBmIK6xtYgI6YPLx- _ycgQoC5uZDVy1eLmbcA_KvADexO8AU Eurobodalla Residential Zones – Development Control Plan: DCP.pdf Eurobodalla Local Environmental plan 2012: The Developers DocumentsPerhaps you are interested in reading why the developer feels they should be exempt from the rules that apply to everyone else? Amazingly one of their key arguments is that they need to put in a 4th story on these building so the top floor can act as "private space" for the residents. We feel that if they reduced the number of buildings they are trying to squeeze onto block then there would be adequate space for them to include private space and keep the buildings within the 8.5m height limit. They also feel the development will bring "affordability" to housing in Broulee and "seeks to maintain the coastal village feel enjoyed by Broulee residents" and that the nine 4-story units have a design that is "an interpretation of the coastal boatshed"??? They feel the development is consistent with a Low Density Residential Zone. This document is the Developers rationale as part of their submission for being granted an exemption to the 8.5m height limit with some key sections highlighted. Broulee Community Association Draft SubmissionWe don't envisage that everyones submission will be this long and we would stress that a short succinct submission is better than none. Attached is a draft of our Submission Hi Andrew, I have been observing the issues and concerns arising with the DA on exhibition for 92 Smith Street, Broulee. Thank you for the invitation to your community meeting. I will be coming tomorrow. I thought it would be useful to forward a copy of replies to a series of questions just sent to Councillors. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow evening and hope the questions and answers may address some queries you may have received. I am new, so still getting a feel for these matters here in the Shire. Some of the questions indicate a bit of a misunderstanding of the actual process (e.g. Council cannot just reject an application because we, or the community, don’t like it. There is a process we must follow.). Also this issue of people not being informed. Council writes to the registered address, of adjacent and adjoining properties, where the rates go to. I get a feeling, and I may be wrong, that people are suggesting Council is keeping them in the dark. That is not the case. Don’t hesitate to call me for any clarification. See you tomorrow. Warwick Dear Mayor and Councillors,
Broulee 80 lot subdivision This 80 lot subdivision DA currently before Council is the final and largest subdivision stage of this proposed development in Broulee. It will have a major impact on the local community and the local environment. There have been many thoughtful submissions to Council on this DA application. However, it seems likely that the DA will be processed under the current delegated authority assessment regime and there will be no further debate on the serious issues raised by the community. For all practical purposes the community will learn the outcome of their submissions when the bulldozers start-up. We believe there is a need for Council to respond to the community on at least the major issues raised and the outcome of Council’s consideration of them. The BMPCA is seeking a meeting with Councillors, Council Planning staff and perhaps the developer to to get a better understanding of Council’s reaction to the serious suggestions made by the community. If Council is making a summary of the community submissions perhaps this could form an agenda for the meeting. At this stage we are not proposing a large meeting but a smaller group of perhaps five community representatives, Council planning staff and Interested Councillors. Another way of developing an agenda may be to consider to what extent this development can meet general requirements for good development. This would include issues such as:
On behalf of BMPCA and the wider community I am asking Councillors for their support for a meeting with the community to allow Council to respond to the major issues raised by the community. I have attached a copy of the submission made by the BMPCA to provide some more context but I know individual members of the community have made important submissions raising issues not covered in the BMPCA submission Yours sincerely, Andrew Bain President BMPCA A quick update on the current status of the Community land on the corner of Clarke Street and Broulee Road. There was a briefing of Councillors on last Tuesday by Council staff. This included the issue of the community land. The Community Association put together a summary of the petition to date and we sent it to all Councillors on Monday. The full letter is attached below and the key statistics are:
The head of Planning at Council, Lindsay Usher, telephoned the Association acting-president, Andrew Bain, on Wednesday and confirmed the matter will go to Council at the meeting on 12 October. Four options will be offered for Councillors to choose from. Council staff will apparently not make a recommendation but we assume there will be costs and benefits of each option presented. He did say that at the briefing there was some sympathy expressed for the community view. We are not sure whether the Council meeting on 12 October will be a zoom meeting or not. Regardless we think we should try and get as many people to the meeting as possible. We will find out what the rules are for public participation at a zoom meeting and let everyone know. You can still sign the e-petition here on our Google Form: Save remaining vegetation on Community Land On the corner of Broulee Road and Clarke Street History and where we are at In 2003, Eurobodalla Shire Council (ESC) was reviewing the Plan of Management for its Community Land (reserves). It sought comment on the future use of land at the north western corner of Broulee Road and Clarke Street, Broulee, claimed by Council to be Operational (land which Council can use in performing its functions or can sell as an asset). At the time, the President of the Broulee Community Association presented to Council saying the “overwhelming wish of the Broulee community” was to retain the land as bushland. Subsequently, the Plan of Management for Broulee and Mossy Point Reserves required the reclassification of Lots 8 and 9 as Community Land. Additionally, the unformed road was to be closed and added to the Plan of Management as Community Land once this process was finalised. Council Minute 478 of 25 November 2003 confirms reclassification of Lots 8 and 9 as Community Land and adoption of the Plan of Management (which includes closure of the adjacent unformed road). From that time onwards, the Broulee community treated the parcel of land (both Lots 8 and 9) and the unformed road as Community Land. This was confirmed by Council in 2004 by its placement of a sign on both sides of the community bushland indicating that it was a Eurobodalla Landcare Project site. Moving on to more recent times, the now Broulee Mossy Point Community Association (BMPCA) became aware that ESC was planning to sell the Lots 8 and 9 (now identified as Lot 89 DP1093710) and the unformed road. When questioned by the BMPCA Executive in a meeting (27 April 2021) with ESC Management about the status of the land, ESC vehemently denied that it was Community Land. Following this matter up, BMPCA sent copies of the 2003 documentation to Council in early May 2021. On 18 May 2021, ESC agreed that the parcel was Community Land and was not correctly classified in Council’s database of land classification. It stated use of this land as Operational Land was no longer under consideration and the database was being amended accordingly. The letter acknowledged that there is an unformed road in that area and in a subsequent email stated that Council “would have needed to apply to the Crown to get permission to close the road”. In early June 2021, the surrounding developer’s area and the unformed road were cleared of vegetation. Council advised that the unformed road was now an APZ (Asset Protection Zone) adjacent to the developer’s land and on 29 June 2021, because of significant community angst about total clearfelling of the area and many complaints about the lack of consultation with the community, Council has agreed that action will be taken to make, the now cleared unformed road Community Land. However, Council’s approach has now changed and despite significant BMPCA presentations to Council and meetings with the General Manager and senior staff, Council has now refused to acknowledge that any of the land, Lot 89 and the unformed road was Community Land. It maintains that it was always Operational Land. The primary reason that Council gave to support it’s contention that the land is Operational Land is that staff failed to implement the 2003 decision. It also claims it has legal advice that the unformed road referred to in the Plan of Management was incorrect as the Plan of Management was about reserves and the unformed road is not a reserve. After the BMPCA presentation on 27 July, Council staff has advised that it will revisit the status of the land and present a number of options for the future use of the land to Council for consideration!! THIS MEANS SALE Council Presentation Community Land at the Corner of Broulee Road and Clarke StreetThe BMPCA has lodged a number of questions to be discussed at the upcoming Council Meeting. These questions relate directly to the four issues below. A friend of the Community Association has also prepared a summary of the relevant rules and legislation.
Dear Dr Dale, Attached is a letter concerning the severe community reaction to the vegetation clearance approved by Council on Broulee Road. Andrew Bain Acting President BMPCA ![]()
The attached document is the letter we received fro Council confirming that the land on the corner of Broulee Rd and Clarke St is community land and as such is not being considered for development at this time. "A search of Council records has revealed the Council resolution from 25 November 2003 for these parcels to be classified as Community Land. This classification was not reflected in Council's database of land classification. Council had been considering the use of this land in the belief it was operational land but its use is no longer under consideration given the above confirmation that it is community land. Council's database is being amended accordingly" The full letter can be downloaded below: ![]()
MINUTES OF QUARTERLY MEETING 13 MAY 2021 Present: 27 people as per attendance sheet Apologies: Barb Roberts, Anthony Mayne, Stewart & DIdi Needham, Simon Lowth, June Carter, Mike & Meg Smith, Elaine Anderson, Cathy Lawarik, Trish Eccles, Victoria Fleming, John Marlton, Gabrielle Wildman, Shane O’Keefe, Vince Fisher Confirmation of Previous Minutes (13 February 2020) Acting President apologised for delay in holding meeting but Covid 19 restrictions precluded such an event in 2020 and early 2021 as the school was not available and Council placed restrictions on use of Captain Oldrey Park hall as BMPCA does not not public liability insurance. Acceptance moved Andrew Bain, seconded Ross Hayward. Agreed Matters Arising from Minutes
Treasurer’s Report Little change over past year: General Account: $6105.44. Fees not collected last year, membership fees of $10/person are now due. Please put your name on the bank credit. Pathway Account: $10,577.00 Includes paver payments, BBSLSC donation. Acceptance moved Lindsay Boyton, seconded Bill Platts. Agreed General Business The items reflect the matters raised by BMPCA Executive in meeting with Eurobodalla Shire Council on 27 April 2021 1. Proposed sale of Community Land at Corner of Broulee Road and Clarke Street
Other Business
Next Meeting September 2021. Kelwyn White (RFS) will be asked to address the meeting on bushfire readiness, use of the Fire Shed for community gatherings, possible resilience centre and proposed pathway interaction. |
May 2023
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