The works are shown on the attached plan and involve the construction of a 1.5 metre wide concrete footpath adjacent to the front property boundaries. The footpath will be approximately 180 metres in length. To aid pedestrian movements and improve safety, a concrete crossing extension will be constructed at the Annetts Parade and Beach Road intersection. This will also include alterations to the stormwater drainage and a small section of retaining wall.
During the footpath construction, residents will have restricted access to their driveways for approximately two days to ensure the concrete footpath has time to properly cure before vehicles can cross it.
We intend to commence work on Monday 17 November 2014 and construction should take approximately four weeks to complete, weather permitting.
Should you have any issues during the construction, please approach the supervisor on-site. If you require additional information, please contact me on 4474 1251.
Your patience and cooperation during the construction phase is appreciated
Geoff Armstrong

mossypointpath_nov2014.pdf |